Well we started off February celebrating Debs birthday appropriately at Smith House restaurant in Old San Marco with Doug, Robbie & Jane & Dean.
Then the fun continued next day with Wayne & Carol at the Speak Easy for twin lobster tails from Maine.
and, of course Carrot Birthday cake!!!!
These two showed up for the birthday party!!!
Some of our back home friends asked for pics of our boat, so here are a few.
Our saloon (living room)
Our Galley
Master Stateroom
Washer & Dryer
Deb home in February for Brother-In-Law David's funeral, hugs from these two greats made her day!!!!!
March is the prettiest time of year here -
Red Sky in the morning.....
Happy Hippo showed up (thanks Jane & Dean)
She's now back to greeting everyone on the dock with Happy Hippy.
Sadly, we are winding down our Marco Island 2021/2022 season. Final celebration at one of our favorite spots, the Smith House restaurant with Jane & Dean, Doug & Robbie and Richie.
SO MUCH FOR THAT PLAN. We had decided to for-go our normal storage plans at River Forest ( prices in Florida have tripled) and we wanted to do some much needed cruising. In preparation for our 3 week trip up the east coast to Norfolk, Virginia, lots of maintenance was happening, requiring engine and generator running. Our 13 year old + dog started to have lots of anxiety (she's never enjoyed the boat thing, that goes way back, too many rough passages, right Big Run?). The day before we were heading out for our big adventure, she decided she was not coming back on boat, combined with our son calling to tell us our furnace was out - we decided to drive home. Temps were ok back home so house would not freeze, but wanted to get Izzy home to our vet (major diarrhea and vomiting, sorry for that TMI). Plus side, she's doing good, happy to be home and enjoying chilly Minnesota. Sad for me, Rick headed back to Florida and has asked a couple of friends to help him move the boat and I'm here taking care of our girl. Hopefully I can join him on the east coast somewhere, for a few days of cruising. Plans made in jello, the cruisers life.
"Great things are not done by impulse, but they are a series of small things brought together."
Vincent Van Gogh
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